Speech Language Pathology/Speech Therapy

Pediatric speech therapy is assessment and treatment that helps improve communication, including speech and/or language skills. It helps with early expressive and receptive language skills, voice and sound production, cognition, social skills, comprehension, fluency, clarity and expression. It can include other communication modalities such as American Sign Language (ASL) and Augmentative or Alternative Communication (AAC devices). Speech therapy can treat oral motor, feeding, and swallowing impairments.

For more information on speech/language pathology, see this website.

Occupational Therapy

Pediatric occupational therapy is assessment and treatment of physical, sensory, cognitive, or emotional skills used in everyday activities. It helps with attention, fine motor skills, sensory processing skills, attention, hand-writing, visual motor skills, muscle strength and coordination, and any other skills needed for developmentally appropriate activities of daily living. 

For more information on occupational therapy, see this website

Physical Therapy

Pediatric Physical therapy focuses on the process of examination, evaluation, diagnosis, and intervention of a child’s ability to move and function in their environment. It includes positioning, mobility, gross motor skills (sitting, walking, jumping, etc.), motor strength/function/endurance, post-surgical needs, balance, pain level, assistive and supportive medical equipment, family education, home exercise programs, and any other skills needed to accomplish successful movements and play.

For more information on physical therapy, see this website.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy is a scientifically-derived, one-on-one therapy used to explain how learning takes place. When a behavior is followed by a reward, the behavior is more likely to be repeated. ABA utilizes research-based techniques to increase useful and positive behaviors and reduce those that may cause harm or interfere with learning. ABA can help with communication, social skills, appropriate play, academic skills, self-help skills, and more. ABA can work on decreasing inappropriate behavior and increasing appropriate replacement behaviors through motivating and fun therapy.

ADOS Assessment

The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-2) is a standardized assessment used in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (in children over 12 months). Early intervention is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder. Our therapists have been trained by the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center or the Sunfield Center for Autism to administer and score the ADOS-2. This testing is offered in our Johnson City and Kingsport offices.